Amanda's Blog : Mastery

  • 24 Hour Comic Challenge

    elephant comic

    To commemorate Inktober, a month-long artist celebration for ink during October, the local thriving comic book store, Famous Faces & Funnies, hosted a challenge event. The challenge: Within 24 hours, create a 24 page comic.

    The event started, the room full of a dozen artists, laughing and having a good time. I joined, a bit self-conscious.

    Now, before going into the event, I had made the beautiful mistake of reading the gorgeous and layout rule-bending comic, Sandman: Overture… The story is about dreams, timelessness, other dimensions, and the universe ending, so… Let’s just say that as a comic-making novice, I may have set my bar a little too high.

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  • Making this Website

    Taking two months to complete, building and designing this website has been an educational and rewarding process. Here’s how I got it done.

    Similarly, read New Beacon to see my purpose with blogging.

    Here are the reasons that made getting this website up and running more urgent:

    • I’m bursting at the seams with content that needs to be shared. I compulsively write blog posts that average 2,000 words in length, and come up with supporting illustrations and graphic concepts. I have a backlog of over thirty new and partially fleshed out posts… I wish I was exaggerating!
    • I want to focus on completing the biggest project I’ve undertaken to date, the Lion Poem Animation, but I have no place to chronical my works-in-progress and learning, let alone a place to share the finished project (except the brevity of YouTube).
    • Accountability: I want to finish what I start. Sharing goals publically adds some needed social pressure.
    • Experiments: I don’t want to only leave a string of finished projects in my wake, but also behind-the-scenes and lessons learned from making them. I change things up frequently, lately oscillating between researching, writing, drawing, web development, and playing the ukulele, and I’ve been letting this playful and experimental nature lead my work. The results are rarely uninteresting.

    Now, let’s get into the logistics, the What and How of making the site.

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  • Mindset Shifts to Unlock Massive Growth

    In examining skill development, I decided to go a step beyond the generic ‘slow and steady wins the race’ advice. Instead, I decided to dive into how mindset shifts can lead to massive gains quickly. I didn’t just want to be the tortoise, but the hare as well.

    The following are lessons I’ve gained from experimenting with mindset shifts in respect to the skill I’ve been developing in my life, drawing people, but these insights can be applied to any skill you’re developing.

    Choose: Make mistakes or Give up

    The past seven months, I’ve been rigorously studying how to draw human anatomy: how to capture a person’s personality and expression while they are going about their business in the public. I’ve been attending weekly three-hour nude figure drawing classes, and have been people sketching in public places.

    Here’s some recent work:

    sketch of people in public

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